What is meant by sustainability reporting & communication?
In this context, the old saying of “Don’t hide your light under a bushel” goes to the heart of sustainability communication and reporting, which includes transparent reporting on sustainability activities in your company. The central questions are: How is your sustainability management anchored in the company? What activities have already been implemented? What is in the pipeline? Where do you see challenges? This is not only about qualitative descriptive formulations, but, of course, also about the figures, data and facts that underpin your responsible corporate governance.
What do you get out of it?
Transparency is the be-all and end-all when it comes to cooperation rooted in trust. It gives stakeholders a good feeling when they have access to transparent and credible information and thus have a sense of security: It is at this point that we put all our cards on the table. In addition to this image enhancement, sound reporting on key performance indicators creates the basis for sustainable entrepreneurial action.
Sustainability reporting and communication are quite complex. But as soon as a company communicates challenges and stumbling blocks, it shows that it is seriously addressing the issues and thus becomes more authentic.
“Communication is the answer to complexity.”
What does planZ offer you?
planZ supports you in your sustainability reporting and in communicating your sustainability commitment:
Development of a clear sustainability reporting system that shows your sustainability commitment and management options at a glance
What data do we need? Where do we get this data from? What does a clear reporting format look like that gives as many stakeholders as possible – such as employees, customers and business partners – a good overview of your company’s sustainability commitment? planZ supports you in developing a clear reporting system. At the same time, pragmatic control and adjustment options for your sustainability management are revealed.
Development of your individual communication concept for your sustainability management approach, tailored to your target groups
What sustainability information do your different target groups need? How are these queried and ideally provided by you? planZ develops an individual communication concept.
Workshops & seminars on various sustainability topics and for diverse target groups
Do your customers, suppliers or other stakeholders demand a more intensive exchange on sustainability issues in your company? Or do you want to inform or train your employees specifically on sustainability commitment and enter into a dialogue with them? planZ supports you on an individual basis here too, because dialogue and communication are particularly close to our hearts.